Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chicken is Delicious!!

Well, the first attempt at raw food seems to have gone over rather well. I started off with Chicken.
 Specifically Chicken leg quarters which were a mere $0.39/lb
 Yes, I got the big back with 4 quarters. It seemed to make the most sense. I can always freeze anything that I'm not going to use or eat myself.

But I did take one quarter out and I started by cutting up some of the fat and rich meaty parts around the vertebrae, I was not worried about the bones because they are smaller and haven't been cooked. The bones become brittle when cooked, before then, they are somewhat flexible (kinda like your bones bend a little before they break).
 I cut it up pretty fine. Which was probably over kill, but I wanted it about as small as the kibble she was used to eating was. You can see that I didn't put a whole lot down. Actually, when I was cutting up the rest of the thigh, I cut off a little bit more of the pinker meat and put that on the plate as well.
I set the plate down, and called Freya over. And she knew exactly what to do. Om nom the goodness.
 Much like many kittens (and children up to a certain age), she did not eat all of her food at once. She is still very small after all. But you can see that she made a good start.
  And shortly after I put my chicken in the toaster over to cook it to a human safe internal temperature of 160 degrees. Freya had finished all of her chicken.
 In fact, the little bugger decided to cuddle up to me and sit on the couch while I waited for my food to cook. A very happy and contented little cat indeed.

And thus ends the first attempt at raw food for Freya. I think she enjoyed it. and we shall see how she feels over the next few hours. I am leaving the kibble down for her to graze on as she needs to eat more. But I have extra chicken in the fridge for her in the morning. :-)

Oh, and I did cheat a little bit and gave Freya a little bit of Bacon the other day. Cooked chewy and cut small.

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